Thursday, February 4, 2010

Facebook Message

I was victim to this too, unfortunately.
It was scary!
It's interesting though, to think of how many people can see your profile without you knowing. I think this was a good thing. It raised awareness of who views your profile!
I blocked the 3 people who came up for me and I plan to keep it that way.

Go to your privacy settings and select block users and in blank box next to people type in the words automation block then click block. it will bring up a list of people that you have never seen before, they are getting all your personal information from your profile. You have to block each one individually.

Apparently this is not real, thankfully.

From betweenthebars365’s tumblr:

A new privacy chain message is circulating across Facebook, which states that there are a handful of people who some how have gained access to your Facebook profile and are now spying on what you do. The reality is that this rumor is completely false, however thousands of users are now circulating the message.

The chain message suggests users to go to the “Privacy Settings” –> “Block List” and enter “Automation Labs” in the “Person” field. This opens up a pop up window with around 20 people listed. You are then advised to block all these people one after the other.

The exact message being copy/pasted reads as follows:

… enter ‘automation labs’. A list of approx 20 people you dont even know will come up. Block each one individually. These people have access to your facebook account/profile and spy on what you do….This is true…I’ve done it.

Contrary to what is being spread, these people are not some spies monitoring your activities on Facebook, these are just the names of users who are associated with “Automation Labs” on Facebook. Facebook’s block option works in a way that if you enter a name or phrase that does not exactly match a profile, Facebook fetches all the profiles that have some association with the phrase that you entered. So what is really going on is that once a user enters Automation Labs and clicks block, Facebook fetches these individuals and asks you, which of these people do you want to block.

Not convinced yet ? Just type in your surname in the “Person” field instead of “Automation Labs” and you would be displayed with a list of people, all having your surname. This is Facebook’s way of asking exactly which individual do you want to block, in case the specified name isn’t precise enough.

The individuals associated with Automation Labs have no special access to your profile, just like the people sharing your surname.

Just have a look at the comments in the image displayed below to understand how scared Facebook users really are. The fact that Automation Labs is a IT related organization is further fueling the rumors. Scanning the profiles of individuals associated with Automation Labs reveals that all these guys are IT related, which becomes yet another proof of the fact that they must be spies.

We would ask our fans and readers to calm down, relax and let your friends know the reality of the situation, instead of participating blindly in this scarelore.

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