Wednesday, April 7, 2010

If this class had an unlimited budget...

I would want to do these things:
  • Learn Mac operating systems
  • Learn how to hack peoples' internet for free
  • Learn different types of cameras
  • Learn how to edit film and audio and stuff like that
  • Get a hot tub
  • Learn how to convert old computers into useful things
  • Go on technology related field trips (let's visit the FBI!)
  • Get a big TV for our new classroom with a Wii in it.
  • Explore old video game systems (Like nintendo 64 or super nintendo)
  • Maybe we could take apart a nintendo 64 and figure out why they are so hard to get to work
  • Learn how to hack things. In general. Like spies.
  • Hack other peoples' computers.
  • Learn how to be as awesome as Mr. John
  • Learn how to steal music
  • Let's develop some custom iPhone apps.
  • Educate my parents and my brother without much difficulty, since they know nothing about anything technology related.
  • Study video game designs
  • Learn how to make viruses
  • Learn different ways to connect your computer to your TV through different cables and stuff

Monday, March 15, 2010

25 Years Ago Today, the First URL Was Registered

Twenty-five years ago today, Symbolics Computers of Cambridge, Massachusetts, registered as a URL. It was the first such claim in computing history:

That same year another five companies jumped on a very slow bandwagon.

It took until 1997, well into the internet boom, before the one millionth dotcom was registered.[...]

It is unlikely that the early dotcoms were thought of as businesses as the early internet was not seen as a place for commerce but rather as a platform for governmental and educational bodies to trade ideas.

Scholars generally agree that a turning point was the introduction of the Mosaic web browser by Netscape that brought mainstream consumers on to the web.

That's AMAZING! I can't believe it's been so short of a time. It makes me wonder what's going to happen in 25 years, assuming we all don't die in 2012.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The innner nerd in me really wants this.

Droid powered soothing moist air

I would really like one because all you need is water and a computer with a USB port! And POOF! You get a nice puff of mist!
fill it up!
Product Features:
  • Mini Humidifiers are shaped like R2-D2 and are powered via USB
  • Pop R2's top and add water, plug-in for soothing mist
  • Piezoelectric technology
  • Imported from Japan
  • Fully Licensed Lucasfilm Collectable
Plus, it's really cute.
on desk

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


It would be much easier to use this than have to fiddle with finding a wall port when I travel. I could go anywhere and just use the sun's energy to charge my iPhone!
Pico Solar
They have great features, too! I think this would be a good investment. I would use it a lot.
  • Provides up to:
    • 35 hours on mobile phone
    • 14 hours on iPod
    • 1.5 hours on GPS
  • Master power cable and four adapters to fit the following:
    • Small pin Nokia
    • Sony Ericsson
    • Mini USB (Motorola, Blackberry, most smart phones, Garmin and many GPS units, PDAs, etc)
    • Connects to virtually any device supplied with a USB charge or sync cable

An MP3 Player... for Babies...

I can certainly see the advantages to giving your child an MP3 player. They will be able to play with a toy and choose music (that is pre-loaded on it) that they would like to listen to. Not only that, your child will stop playing with your expensive iPod!
It does have good features:
  • 1 AA battery (included) for 40 hours of use
  • 1 GB memory (16 hours at 128 kbit/s data rate)
  • Music preloaded from award-winning artist Susie Tallman & Friends and Jim Weiss, award winning storyteller
  • Three programmable playlists
  • Integrated speaker
  • USB port (cable included)
  • Headphone jack (headphones not included)
  • AC adapter jack (AC adapter not included)
  • Programmable automatic shut-off timer
  • Hidden volume control
I think the hidden volume control feature is really nice, that way the child won't screw up the volume and kill either their ears or yours.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Look at the bottom and you can see their profits. They're making so much money off of the public!

Apple makes over 100% in profits on the iPad. THAT IS EVIL.

The iPad Costs Apple As Little As $229.35 to Build

The $500 16GB, Wi-Fi only iPad costs Apple less than half that to build, according to a recent component breakdown from iSuppli. And for the 64GB 3G iPad, Apple clears nearly $500 in profit.

It's good business for them, but bad for us. Why do people still buy these things? I would hope that the purchases of these things slows down once people hear about this!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Facebook Message

I was victim to this too, unfortunately.
It was scary!
It's interesting though, to think of how many people can see your profile without you knowing. I think this was a good thing. It raised awareness of who views your profile!
I blocked the 3 people who came up for me and I plan to keep it that way.

Go to your privacy settings and select block users and in blank box next to people type in the words automation block then click block. it will bring up a list of people that you have never seen before, they are getting all your personal information from your profile. You have to block each one individually.

Apparently this is not real, thankfully.

From betweenthebars365’s tumblr:

A new privacy chain message is circulating across Facebook, which states that there are a handful of people who some how have gained access to your Facebook profile and are now spying on what you do. The reality is that this rumor is completely false, however thousands of users are now circulating the message.

The chain message suggests users to go to the “Privacy Settings” –> “Block List” and enter “Automation Labs” in the “Person” field. This opens up a pop up window with around 20 people listed. You are then advised to block all these people one after the other.

The exact message being copy/pasted reads as follows:

… enter ‘automation labs’. A list of approx 20 people you dont even know will come up. Block each one individually. These people have access to your facebook account/profile and spy on what you do….This is true…I’ve done it.

Contrary to what is being spread, these people are not some spies monitoring your activities on Facebook, these are just the names of users who are associated with “Automation Labs” on Facebook. Facebook’s block option works in a way that if you enter a name or phrase that does not exactly match a profile, Facebook fetches all the profiles that have some association with the phrase that you entered. So what is really going on is that once a user enters Automation Labs and clicks block, Facebook fetches these individuals and asks you, which of these people do you want to block.

Not convinced yet ? Just type in your surname in the “Person” field instead of “Automation Labs” and you would be displayed with a list of people, all having your surname. This is Facebook’s way of asking exactly which individual do you want to block, in case the specified name isn’t precise enough.

The individuals associated with Automation Labs have no special access to your profile, just like the people sharing your surname.

Just have a look at the comments in the image displayed below to understand how scared Facebook users really are. The fact that Automation Labs is a IT related organization is further fueling the rumors. Scanning the profiles of individuals associated with Automation Labs reveals that all these guys are IT related, which becomes yet another proof of the fact that they must be spies.

We would ask our fans and readers to calm down, relax and let your friends know the reality of the situation, instead of participating blindly in this scarelore.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Except, since they will be flat, how will they get rid of the glare?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sunday, January 24, 2010

There's a new for your tv, netbook, or car? What?

"which helps users send and receive messages via Twitter. Drivers will not be able to read the tweets on the dashboard -- instead, a computer voice will say them aloud."
Wouldn't a computer voice reading you twitter messages be a bit more distracting than music? How are you supposed to navigate this app, anyway? Are we supposed to say the username of the person whose most recent tweet we want to hear,or will there be a menu on the dashboard?
Whatever happened to just driving? Why do I need to know what people are doing?
I can live with music, thank you.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Stutes is copying my post but that's okay because the subject of it is AWESOME!

Today was the first tweet.... FROM SPACE!


Tweet of the Day: The Universe got a tiny bit smaller today, as Expedition 22 Flight Engineer T.J. Creamer sent out the first official (unassisted) tweet from space.

Obligatory: Tweeeeeeets. Innnnnnn. Spaaaaaaaace.


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Toy Cars to be powered by Soda?

I now know what I want for Christmas:

I would spend all day testing out different drinks to see which one worked the best. I bet it's Red Bull.

White House iPhone App

Think about this: it is now someone's job to follow the president and record what he does so people can watch it. I don't think I'd like that. I think there should have been a contest to find the biggest Obama fan and the prize would be to get to follow him around for a day and write down what he does. How awesome would that be?

Science Fair

Today our class journeyed to Ye Olde Science Fair.
It was quite a spectacle to see all of the wonderful projects there.
Mine was on media stereotypes. It was fun to do!
It was quite interesting. I liked it. Would you?
One project that interested me was on if sucking on peppermints increased reaction rate.
Think of all the candy those research subjects ate!
Alas, the results proved that there was not much change in reaction.
Did this stop my interest? Just by a fraction.
It was great fun, this travel that we made with care.
It was a good day at Ye Olde Science Fair.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Where is the world's tallest thermometer? In California.
That state has everything.
I wonder how they were able to build something so big. How did they gather so much mercury?