Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Except, since they will be flat, how will they get rid of the glare?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sunday, January 24, 2010

There's a new for your tv, netbook, or car? What?

"which helps users send and receive messages via Twitter. Drivers will not be able to read the tweets on the dashboard -- instead, a computer voice will say them aloud."
Wouldn't a computer voice reading you twitter messages be a bit more distracting than music? How are you supposed to navigate this app, anyway? Are we supposed to say the username of the person whose most recent tweet we want to hear,or will there be a menu on the dashboard?
Whatever happened to just driving? Why do I need to know what people are doing?
I can live with music, thank you.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Stutes is copying my post but that's okay because the subject of it is AWESOME!

Today was the first tweet.... FROM SPACE!


Tweet of the Day: The Universe got a tiny bit smaller today, as Expedition 22 Flight Engineer T.J. Creamer sent out the first official (unassisted) tweet from space.

Obligatory: Tweeeeeeets. Innnnnnn. Spaaaaaaaace.


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Toy Cars to be powered by Soda?

I now know what I want for Christmas:

I would spend all day testing out different drinks to see which one worked the best. I bet it's Red Bull.

White House iPhone App

Think about this: it is now someone's job to follow the president and record what he does so people can watch it. I don't think I'd like that. I think there should have been a contest to find the biggest Obama fan and the prize would be to get to follow him around for a day and write down what he does. How awesome would that be?

Science Fair

Today our class journeyed to Ye Olde Science Fair.
It was quite a spectacle to see all of the wonderful projects there.
Mine was on media stereotypes. It was fun to do!
It was quite interesting. I liked it. Would you?
One project that interested me was on if sucking on peppermints increased reaction rate.
Think of all the candy those research subjects ate!
Alas, the results proved that there was not much change in reaction.
Did this stop my interest? Just by a fraction.
It was great fun, this travel that we made with care.
It was a good day at Ye Olde Science Fair.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Where is the world's tallest thermometer? In California.
That state has everything.
I wonder how they were able to build something so big. How did they gather so much mercury?